Al Hoota Cave

Estimated to be more than 2 million years old, Al Hoota Cave lies at the foot of Oman’s spectacular Grand Canyon, Jebel Shamsin.

Developed as the only underground attraction of its kind in the Arabian Peninsula, Al Hoota responsibly manages to showcase and share Oman’s natural wonders with the public.

Decorated with stalactites and stalagmites, this is the only cave in Oman developed for tourism and is a gem.  Sensitive to light, this beautiful cave has flowing water and staircases leading to the main features.  A geological museum in the visitor center is a must, including some magnificent mineral specimens, showcasing the features that have made Oman internationally famous among geologists.

Throughout the year, water flows through Hoota Cave, and this groundwater is home to the rare species of blind fish, the Gara Barremia.  A treasure trove of biodiversity, the cave is home to a myriad of creatures including mouse tail bats, hunting spiders, Arabian frogs, wadi razor snakes and more.

A narrow-gauge railway runs into the cave, from where visitors take a 45-minute loop of 850 meters (via staircases totaling 230 steps and a 65-meter climb) to the entrance to a trailhead.

Story highlight : Al Hoota Cave


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